Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
The key difference is the effect each would have on the makeup of the Supreme Court. Obama has already done so much damage and Hillary would only compound that. If she gets elected the Court will be lost to liberal activist judges who hold the Constitution in contempt for years to come.

Also, look at the scum who make up so much of the protesters against Trump. The "Black Lives Matter" scumbags. Your typical socialist anarchist types. The gays, transgenders, and other defectives. Illegal immigrants who have no desire to assimilate. Just going against what people like them want means you're probably doing something right.

I'm not saying you have to like Trump but if you don't recognize the fact he's at least the lesser of two evils, compared to Hillary, you're as dumb as a box of rocks. Or just an unapologetic liberal hack.

spoken like a true Republican. i didn't know it was a crime to be gay. Transgender on the other hand...I agree with you. youre entitled your 'opinon.' im sure youre the type of republican that will blame democrats for everything. whose worse, hilary clinton or the lying previous administration that did so much harm to our country economically that got us into a war we never should have been in while we continue to lose lives. people like you will defend it im sure because republicans only do good and theyre perfect, right? wow did my opinion of you go right down the shitter wiseguy