I don't know about much about the philly rackets but if the real estate and construction expansion rumors are accurate then maybe they will start building up, which IMO should be their main focus . If they don't get into the quasi legit game then they will basically just be local bookies/ small time sharks with some swag, and local drug game . Basically not enough to build up or expand but enough for 20-40 guys to eat

I have to imagine the gambling scene is pretty big in philly and south jersey but I can also see the WS and gambinos breathing down their neck for the gambling game outside of south philly . Im sure those 2 have far bigger roles in the local construction and union trade then philly ever will today .

I'd be interested to know just how structured philly CN is today? My hunch is a couple big busts could clear them out for the WS and Gambinos to take most of their gambling and shy biz . An alliance w the gambinos to preserve what they got might be something to consider but today , I'm not even sure the gambinos would even take that risk . Better and safer for them to expand their legit stuff and build their gambling n shy biz off those connects and wait out for the next big pinch to move on further

Last edited by DB; 05/08/16 12:47 AM.