Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
When people complain about the "race card" do they not realize blacks are discriminated against?

Also Ivy, did you see my other question?

There will always be individual racists. But the kind of widespread institutional racism that liberals whine about, and have convinced blacks abd other minorities that it still exists in order to make them feel like victims, is long gone. The only ones who keep it alive are liberals/minorities themselves. Because now it's something they can use to their advantage.

But back to the point here. MaryCas and SC know damn well Obama can be fairly criticized for any number of things. But they take the easy way out many liberals do by automatically claiming the critique is just based on his color. It's lazy and dishonest.

And, generally speaking, the right wing of the Court has always held more to what the Constitution actually says while the left wing has always read more into it than what's actually there. It's where they get their "living, breathing document" BS from. Eventually, under liberal interpretation, the Constitution gets so twisted and corrupted as to be rendered meaningless.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.