Get this fukin straight... Ray wag is a carpenter.. he has no sayin who works there or who don't.. he aint no point guy...The fucking guy he works for is the man in charge, GOT IT.. he is lucky to have a freakin job just like everyone else.. Gateon tied rebar for local 401.. he is lucky to have a job like everyone else.. Now Traitz sr already top man in roofers, just happned to meet nicky scrfo.. were he made a bad decision to work for the guy.. For some freakin reason Almost everyone today thinks the mob has some ties to unions... NONONONONO.. Union guys or construction workers are the ones lineing themselves up with the mobsters.. construction guys are following the mob guys.. which means they have no say in any union what so ever.. get it fucking straight the fucking government follows the union annunity an pension an other shit....they check da books.. point man down the convention center get the fuck lost.. One more thing I don't think that article said the traitz sons lined up behind ANYONE...! if so their wrong.. ...FACT.... so don't say that shit if u don't know.. Their real Fighters not any kind of mob wannabe or follower.. scarfo days were awhile ago