Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Half the stuff him and Sanders etc promise will never happen in reality, Iv'e come to realize that Presidents and Prime Ministers don't actually have that much power (relatively). How would this stuff get through congress? Banning Muslims and building a wall costing millions of money?

That's about right. The President mostly is just a check on Congress, to keep them from passing crazy laws with his veto pen, just in case the majority is wrong. He "presides" over Congress. Other than that, he's the top policeman in the country who must enforce laws. He has some military powers, but like I said earlier, those powers are mostly related to national defense and are sometimes limited in scope of time (e.g., being able to attack a country in the interest of national defense so long as the attack is within 60 days or less). If he can't prove that he deployed the military for good reason after such an attack, the ramifications could be very serious.

After what Bush pulled in 2003, Barack Obama was very wise to consult Congress before hitting Syria. Congress red lighted him. Russia and Putin then moved into the vacuum, thus making Bashir Al Assad nearly indestructible. That is on Congress. That was their decision.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."