Obama had no past no one knew what he has done as a new senator except for having the gift of gab. Very much like Rubio in this regard.

What we did know he evidently was a good family man.

Very surprised when he got elected. For change people had it with Bush. That is why he was elected for a change.

He was a member of a radical church. People found out he cut ties with the church.

He had Van jones in his cabinet a admitted communists also with the gift of gab. He let him go when the truth came out. Then CNN hires a communist as if he was a real news reporter.

Everyone he hired with different opinions then Obama. Has resigned Obama wants yes men surrounding him.

Obama is true to his beliefs he is a social list who follows the orders of the people who got him elected. He is one of them.

Our economy is not better now. More people on welfair then ever before. More fore closers then before.

Bad buyers can still get loans for houses they can't afford. Nothing was fixed.

Health care is more expensive then it ever was before. It will fold in two years. Unless the president can raise the more money from tax payers to pay for it.

It going to hurt everyone including middle class. They will become the 1 percent then they will have to pay there fair share.

On Hillary she was Secretary of State hears those guys in Bengazi are in trouble, and then does nothing to help them. President knows he does nothing to help them. Fucking cowards if I was Secretary of State I would order them helped then and there. If she would have done that I would have voted for her. She had no balls.

These people are all cowards their sheep hoping to get other sheep to follow them.

only the unloved hate