I, 4 the 14th time, have just re-read Joe Bonanno's " A Man Of Honor", & I am behooved at the fact that , that self serving old fuck praises himself to the fact of lying thru his teeth about not having anything 2 do w/ narcotics, but not ONCE IN THE WHOLE BOOK DOES HE MENTION THE NAME CARMINE GALANTE.. how stupid does he think people are?? the fuckin,guy was his underboss at 1 point, am i wrong?? what do u guy's think?? we all know the stories of carmine going 2 italy 2 secure a MAJOR deal 2 get heroin into the states in the 50s,let alone the shit he went into canada truly for...what a fuckin'bullshitter this guy was ..& his self serving son "bill'..look @ the facial expressions on the old man's face when questioned by mike wallice on the 60 min. interview back in 83,u can find it just by google j.b......a man of honor my ass..

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...