I understand you reservation about a lower level character like Benny rising that far. But the Fact is from season 3-6 he gets out of jail, aligns with Pauly then Chris. Gets a no-show job at the Esplanade, drives for Tony as boss and bodyguards Carmella & the kids, drives for Silvo as acting Boss, guards Tony in ICU. Gets his button, Is tasked with finding Vito, and to be fair in the end of the series is part of a two man hit team with Walden Belfiore to track down and murder Phil (1 of the 5 bosses of New York). For Benny this marks revenge on a former New York capo who had once beaten him severely and left him hospitalized to send a message by beating up Tony's driver and Chris's friend.
Couple this with Larry Barese being his godfather and being one of the few Soprano Family members not targeted specifically by New York at shows end, this bodes well for Benny who at shows end is in significantly safer standing with both the law and the Lupertazzi Family than almost any other character left still in the fold of street life for New Jersey.