Originally Posted By: sittite
Az- you can't be from Boston........you couldn't be more wrong.

I live in AZ, grew up there in Boston. A child hood friend of mine is involved with two North Shore strip clubs, he has many friends tied in deep and he says they are. Harvard or not, DeNunzio wanted influence & muscle and "they" (LCN) wanted the construction exposure. I guess DeNunzio's father had longstanding ties to the North End so Harvard or not he was made part of the family....and you think Gattineri is just some guy?

Heck, NE LCN is a different bird, rumor long had it one of Marvin Haglers trainer was made in the 70's so he wouldn't get messed with or have his fighters encroached on.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"