" I'm not entirely sure who I will vote for. Trump is now threatening"

Actually he has not threathen to riot. I have a ton of time on my hands so I really follow this shit. The media twist his wards he did not say that. Notice all the news" Midea matters" say the same thing.

"and attacking other presidential contestants' wives. I don't agree with that."

I was watching Neal Cuvoto on fox. There was a female from Cruz campaign talking about trumps wife. It went over like a lead balloon with Neal. Cruz people saw that and immediately removed it. Thrump did not answer it. Later Cruz super pack posted the same thing. Thrump answered that and talked about Cruz wife. Now Cruz used it saying why is Thrump talking about his wife. Cruz is full of shit.

"That said, the number one priority of any voter should and must be national security. Which candidate will keep this country safe fr the next 4 to 8 years? I don't believe that candidate is Hillary Clinton."

"Bernie Sanders being Jewish will possibly cause American foreign policy to defer to that of Israel's more than it has in the last 8 years."

Is he really a Jew or a self hating Jew like George Soro's?

There is more hate for Jews in this country then the Arab terrorist.

Obama is an Islam lover. Close to Sanders.

I am pissed off because I voted for Mc Cain, Romney, and bush before that.

The way they are attacking Thrump who needs democrats to do it.

Cruz and the other guy is a Romney puppet.

I would not vote for either. I would vote for Thrump if he is nominated to lower the deficit, get people off public assistance get more work for people who want to work.

That is all that matter to me besides killing those 50 thousand Isis followers.

Did they crucify that priest yet? Pretty sure you will see it on Easter Sunday.

only the unloved hate