Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
I dont see how anyone can "like" Ciro. You guys are some real homers for this Mafia shit. Genny was arguably my favorite character up until the final episode,started out wet behind the ears, but became a ruthless killer, who still had somewhat of a conscious. Ciro lost his after his mentor was killer and Lady Imma begun treating him like dirt. Still that was no reason for him to do what he did to that girl. The one thing I really liked about this show was that there are no heroes, there are no good guys and there isnt anyone to root for. Not one character. However after Ciro manipulated everyone, the final scene in the final episode reveals where this show is going. And I really hope Ciro is offed early on. Though I must admit that what he did to Lady Imma, was pure genius. But she too, was an asshole.

I agree, no one is likable in this show and that's why I also like it so much, it's realistic..

There are no good guys in such a world, it's cutthroat and only the most brutal survive..