In the Raab 5 fams blackley said that must teach to the Fed how correctly use the Rico. In the 1970 there are Hoover as fbi chief and the police was largely corrupt.

In few word if you show that was a group that continuatly work for break the law and made money from this, you can charges not only the soldier but even the bosses,how happened for the commission case.
In the 70s was too early in the 80s was ok.
The decline happens because in the small families, nobody replaced the men that was in jail or dead.
In the ny case when the old trusted bosses get 100 y the successore are the worst can be choose (gotti,Amuso and casso ecc) exception for the genoveses.

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 03/18/16 05:11 AM.