SoCal, the NRA for most of its history was in no way interested in a constitutional right to bear arms. Its former president, Karl Frederick, didnt even believe citizens should be allowed to carry weapons. It was a moderate organisation based on the interests of hunting and marksmanship. However, during the 70's and 80's with increasing inner city violence, it was taken over in a coup by hardliners. The organisation morphed into one which started then screaming that gun violence can only be solved with more guns. There then became an obvious and selfish, politically power hungry agenda and the steady increase of gun ownership has correalated directly with gun crime and death ever since, that is a fact and its utter nonsense to think otherwise. The real problem now with any form of gun control is that the US is so far down the path of guns being freely avaiable that any restriction does indeed end up with criminals having the upper hand. But it needs to start somewhere and a hardline approach taken from every angle.

The NRA now have the balls to have also branched out across the globe, targetting their message towards the UN and international arms treaties. They view laws that are designed to reduce armed conflicts as potential burdens on a scewed universal right to own guns. It has also softened public opinion, as a result, of disasterous US foreign policies. The implications are everywhere...

Its become too powerful an organisation with too much to lose and it has successful bred fear and paranoia amongst US citizens in order to maintain this power. Youve got people in there who have immensly benefitted personally and financially from the NRAs message and have to much to lose...don't kid yourself, there's no genuine interest in your civil liberties and stopping gun massacres. Every massacre lines their pockets even deeper...its the biggest slight of hand ever played on the US public...a very clever, extremely capitalist scheme, but entirley devoid of any moral integrity....and millions have sadly been duped by it.