Guns arent going away. Get over it. When its it's your time to go, you go. Whether it be some little kid gets ahold of their irresponsible parents loaded gun or some guy walking tbe street who forgets to look both ways and gets hit by a motorcycle driven by a father and young daughter and all parties end up with sbeets covering them until the coroner arrives. You cant control fait. If it upsets you when peoeple die, I pity you and suggest you volunteer for hospice and learn how to appreciate death. Every second you're alive should be cherished and appreciated. You fucking idiots are worried about gun control? Go protest in front of the white house in regards to global nuclear armaments. My dad taught me when I was young that you cant always get your way. So shut up and deal with it because nobody likes listening to a whiner. As I said before guns are here to stay. I wish that they would invent the fucking hoverboard from BTTF2, but you don't see me complaining to Universal for not getting my way. You just have to keep the faith and maybe one day your dreams will come true. But until you get your way,SHUT THE FUCK UP BECAUSE NOBODY LIKES A WHINER!