Originally Posted By: fergie
SoCal, I don't know how more consistent I can be...BAN all gun ownership. Joe Public doesn't NEED a hand gun or an assault rifle! Again, your not surrounded be apaches anymore, times have moved on. Yes, its totalitarian, but so is a ban on heroin etc...I don't hear many junkies screaming about their human rights. Ban guns and move on. Its not about "the man" taking away you're liberty, its about common sense.

People need to ignore the drip fed paranoia about having to defend themselves and start addressing the issue. Again, is your vastly over rated and now unnecessary constitutional right worth more than the life of ONE innocent kid?

Stop with the reason that shooters are just normally lunatics on medication...yes, there's obvious issues but when he can get a gun as easy as a sandwich but thats a wider society issue. You surely don't want your kids growing up in a society where everyone can be armed just because they're paranoid about protecting themselves? Its obviously far easier then for any easy then for any would be Yosemite Sam to start firing when they get pissed off. What then happens? You want more guns...total spiral of shit.

Well atleast you admit to being totalitarian in nature. None of this bullshit " we need common sense gun laws" none sense that most of anti gun people speak which leads to annoying laws that don't amount to anything and save no lives.

But still you didn't list off all the other things that you want banned. Under your logic, ban all alcoholic beverages because it's extremely dangerous and people don't "need" it after all and alcohol is probably more dangerous than herion.
By the way, I'm all for legalizing herion.
I value human choice and freedom over safety.

But since you want to talk about "saving ONE" innocent kid than why do you only factor in kids or people killed by guns but ignore those saved by guns? Oh those saved lives don't Count right?
Just as every now and then a story comes out in the news about some gun accident where a child gets ahold of a gun and someone gets hurt, other stories ( although less talked about in the mainstream media) Come out about someone protecting their lives with a gun. Like a single mother who had two men with knives busting into her home and blasting one of them away with her shotgun while on the phone with a 911 operator. But you say SCREW those people! They shouldn't be allowed to use guns and protect themselves. Right? That women would've been dead in your world.