SoCal, I don't know how more consistent I can be...BAN all gun ownership. Joe Public doesn't NEED a hand gun or an assault rifle! Again, your not surrounded be apaches anymore, times have moved on. Yes, its totalitarian, but so is a ban on heroin etc...I don't hear many junkies screaming about their human rights. Ban guns and move on. Its not about "the man" taking away you're liberty, its about common sense.

People need to ignore the drip fed paranoia about having to defend themselves and start addressing the issue. Again, is your vastly over rated and now unnecessary constitutional right worth more than the life of ONE innocent kid?

Stop with the reason that shooters are just normally lunatics on medication...yes, there's obvious issues but when he can get a gun as easy as a sandwich but thats a wider society issue. You surely don't want your kids growing up in a society where everyone can be armed just because they're paranoid about protecting themselves? Its obviously far easier then for any easy then for any would be Yosemite Sam to start firing when they get pissed off. What then happens? You want more spiral of shit.