Originally Posted By: fergie
Inner city hardcore gangs throughout the developed world will always have access to guns, but we can make it more problematic. The answer isn't just to get more tooled up than your perceived enemy

Well, it's one thing to keep saying generic things about making it harder for bad people to get guns, but what exactly do you propose? Be more specific and maybe we can come to a conclusion.

Also, I'm looking for some kind of consisitancy when I hear arguments from anti gun people. You say something needs to be done about guns because you want to save lives and make society safer. Ok, but do you stop at guns? We can list off a lot of other dangerous things people are allowed to do and buy so if you're consistent you should be trying to ban and restrict much more than guns. Things like alcoholic beverages in your logic need to be banned too, because that's extremely dangerous when abused.
I just want to see consisitancy here.
Otherwise, it might be YOU that is a religious fanatic that just can't stand to see a free person own a firearm.
I'm not religious about it because it isn't faith based on my part. I just have a preference for liberty and choice over safety.