Cardiovascular disease isn't really the same is it? If fat fucks choose to do it and they aren't bothering anyone else, who cares? I'm not interested in saving the world, but joe public strolling around with a handgun is different...they are mostly amateurs when it comes to handling a gun (unless you think most are professional) ...misjudge a situation which is highly likely and somebody is dead. Not really the same as having a health issue is it. Dunno why you'd rather be shot in the face than have a heart condition which can generally easily managed-you sound a bit crazy.

Keep my opinions to myself? Don't stick a gun in my mouth ok smile This isn't a gun enthusiast website and in fact the first post in this specific DISCUSSION thread is against gun ownership. Just because someone disagrees with what you say, you shouldn't react but telling them to shut up basically - pretty unreasonable eh? (Keep the safety on!).

Your thought about looking like a pussy because I couldn't protect my family and relied on 'hero' cops just shows how fucked up your thinking is. You'd come out blasting eh, probably shoot your wife in the commotion as well and shit your own pants. Then do 12 years in prison grabbing your ankles for your new homies.

Guns ARE a problem, so are criminals.

Your on to some with the abortion comment...I would go as far though. See previous posts re baby licences.

So anyway, a psychiatrist might read into what you've said in your lat post and conclude you're slightly crazy, unreasonable and have, at least, a mild distrust of how many guns do you own?