I really don't like any of Trumps economic proposals.
I support the free market. Trump doesn't. He wants all kinds of trade restrictions and wants to tax corporations that try keeping money offshore. I'm against torture under any circumstance.

But I still like him because he pisses off all the right people. All the people that are responsible for the problems we find ourselves in today are angry and hysterical that a guy like Trump is so popular. He's politically incorrect which is a huge plus. It makes the Left hate him. He isn't 100% controlled by the Neo Conservatives which makes the Right wing establishment hate him.
I think it's great. They're painting him as dangerous in his temperament in foreign policy yet he's far less hawkish and bloodthirsty than ALL the other candidates. The other candidates seem to want to bomb, invade, threaten a long list of other countries. Trump was against the Iraq war and seems to have more of a defensive rather than offensive mentality.
I'm just SO happy to see the usual suspects get hysterical about his popularity. Now you people get a taste of how us libertarians felt when your disaster choices became popular and gained power( Obama, bush etc)

Last edited by SoCalGangs; 03/08/16 01:43 PM.