Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
He's insane. His ideas are terrible. Fuck Trump.

Exactly. How some people can't realize this is mind-boggling to me. The guy can't even take criticism. So far in all of his rallies, those who criticize him, he has kicked out. Literally, every person who has respectfully criticized him through words, or arts or banners, he has removed from his rallies. And people seem to think they can trust this guy with nuclear codes. He gets pissed off one time by another world leader and he potentially sends us into World War III.

And he has no clue of global politics, he seems to think that having hotels built in other countries, that it makes him educated on foreign policy. The guys is legit insane. His comment about torturing terrorists families, actually had military commanders saying they wont follow his orders, which they have the right to do if they feel it's immoral. Does anyone know what that implies? It means civil war.

I'm ashamed to be an American right now because of how far he's gotten in this race using hate rhetoric.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 03/08/16 01:12 PM.