Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Joseph Baldino is listed on the new chart as a soldier. Frank is listed as an associate. Borgesi doesn't have a rank, but he supposedly has what's been called "Feech La Manna" status, as in he has no actual rank but he's higher than a soldier but doesn't have the official rank of a captain. I think that supports my opinion of him having some new higher status in the family due to being the mouthpiece for his uncle Joe.

Frank Narducci Jr. is listed as a soldier and is under Marty Angelina, if I'm reading the chart right. As is Marty "Crutch" Curro, and Frank DiPasquale.
Do u have a link to the chart.

From now on, nothing goes down unless I'm involved. No blackjack no dope deals, no nothing. A nickel bag gets sold in the park, I want in. You guys got fat while everybody starved on the street. Now it's my turn.