Joseph Baldino is listed on the new chart as a soldier. Frank is listed as an associate. Borgesi doesn't have a rank, but he supposedly has what's been called "Feech La Manna" status, as in he has no actual rank but he's higher than a soldier but doesn't have the official rank of a captain and is in direct contact with the administration. I think that supports my opinion of him having some new higher status in the family due to being the mouthpiece for his uncle Joe. Same goes for Sonny Mazzone, no actual crew, has the rank of soldier, officially, but is in direct contact with Philly administration.

Frank Narducci Jr. is listed as a soldier and is under Marty Angelina, if I'm reading the chart right. As is Marty "Crutch" Curro, and Frank DiPasquale.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 03/05/16 01:49 PM.