Originally Posted By: BlackFamily

BF: If the people involved in killing Anderson are poor the estate won't get anything or very little, making the judgment symbolic. I think better restitution would have been longer prison sentences for the murderers, or the death penalty.

Gets: I believe in praying and forgiving too, but I don't believe that forgiveness by the victim means the perpetrator gets to escape punishment from the government. I also believe that forgiveness is contingent on repentance. If someone is continuing to harm people or defending it, then that person should not be forgiven until he or she stops and admits the wrongness of it. If a person is truly sorry, there is no expectation of reward or escape from punishment. A killer who is truly sorry turns himself in, pleads guilty and accepts whatever punishment is due, and then apologizes to the family and everyone else for his evil act. A person who apologizes after getting caught isn't sorry for anything except getting caught. Criminal heads of state are rarely truly sorry for anything.

Last edited by Faithful1; 03/04/16 03:57 PM.