Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Originally Posted By: FrankMazola
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
The biggest turncoat would probably be Nicodemo. While just a soldier technically, he was privy to some high profile stuff because he was an earner. He may know more in terms of murders than either Massimino or Staino.

Interesting. I intentionally left him off given his only recently getting made. If you're right (I'm a lawyer not LCN), funny to think that admin guys like Mousie and Staino would know less about serious decisions like that versus a recently made guy.

I'm not LCN, I just read a lot, especially about the Philly mob and have participated in some great discussions on this forum and others with Philly members and have learned good information. For instance, while Massimino and Staino flipping would certainly do damage, Nicodemo could possibly bring the house down on the current Philly administration, notably Joe Ligambi. Nicodemo is a prime suspect in the Johnny Gongs murder, being the triggerman and how well liked he was, he'd be privy to motive and who made the order. In the DiPierto hit, he could take down the Grande's and Mazzone, since Dom is suspected by plenty to have been the actual triggerman. Again look at the Borgata case, despite being the recently made soldier, Nicodemo was earning some serious cash during that operation. Hes suspected to have had numerous investments in various bookmaking and sportsbetting operations. And according to prosecutors and law enforcement, despite his youth, hes considered a "dinosaur", a throwback to the old days of LCN.

Nicodemo has info going back to the 1990s too. He was a protege of Merlino and was his driver. He was also Ligambi's first driver as acting boss.

"I die outside; I die in jail. It don't matter to me," -John Franzese