taken from page 1 of this thread.

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
no kindle

I guess my overall point is that Trump isn't the first nor will he be the last to spout rhetoric that is contrary to his past ACTIONS.

He's just being so transparently full of s*it that it insults my intelligence.

The illegal immigrant issue..and some of his rhetoric about Chinese business practices directly go against his personal interests.
When has big business ever NOT benefited from surplus of cheap labor ? In one of the long discussions we had, we talked about how big business(northern industries) benefited from late 19th century/early 20th century European immigrants...and later from mass migration of Blacks from the rural south to the urban northern manufacturing centers.In both instances...they could pay newly arrived(im)migrant a fraction of what the old workforce would accept for the same job. The glut of undocumented workers the past few decades has the same effect...and big business (including the likes of Trump)will exploit this cheaper labor pool.

It's disingenuous for Trump to pander to blue collar America(among other groups)by speaking out against "undocumented people". If it were genuine, then Trump would apply STRINGENT wording in his contracts with these agencies about not hiring ANYBODY without a valid SS #. But of course he doesn't.....and there's no doubt that there are people who work directly for companies that Trump owns who are undocumented. For all his rhetoric about controlling the 2,000 mile US/Mexico border...I'd like to see him control the Trump payroll and not let any illegals slip through THOSE cracks.

Here is a 1991 NYT article about a federal judge ruling against Trump in a case about this topic.


OK...now about the clothing line and more contradictions. It's a licensing deal that has been going on for over 10 years. Now, the company that made the deal had factories or partnerships with factories in foreign countries WAY before they signed Trump and will continue to have them way after Trump is dropped.

but this is HILARIOUS

Again, licensing deal has been going for over 10 years. If there was anything genuine behind some of Trump's rhetoric..we would see specific wording in the licensing deal requiring a certain % of the merchandise to be made in America, earmarking certain amount of money to restore existing American clothing factories,etc,etc,etc But I'd bet money that no such wording exists in the contracts.

So Trump is saying some of these comments, and to the people he's pandering to at the moment ...it sounds great but it's just talk.