Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Does anybody have a take on why Trump is resonating with so many Republican voters?

I said before the Obama's election was as much about people rejecting the Bush administration as it was about anything else.
McCain was the actual candidate, but the result was a response to 8 years of Bush/Cheney.

Is Trump's seeming success ,SO FAR,a case of Rep. voters rejecting the status quo of the party? Or was this just a weak field of other candidates?

Somewhere Hillary Clinton has to be laughing. If Trump gets the nomination, she will be the next President of the United States.

Your absolutely right Gett, its all well and good Trump winning states in a Republican ballot but how can he possibly win enough votes if he goes head to head with Clinton? So far he's pissed off Catholics, Hispanics, Black Voters and mainstream Republicans. I just see no way for him to win enough votes outside of whites to win?
The thing is after all this the Republican Party will kick themselves because they never had a better chance of winning this, after what seems like 8 years of generally unpopular Obama presidency, the candidates the Democrats offer up is Clinton, mired in scandals and a 74 year old socialist.
Yet Clinton will in my opinion win easily against Trump, because she will pick up crucial black and Hispanic voters.
If the Republicans could of united around a candidate who came across as nice and positive and able to turn some Democrat voters it could of been a walk in the park. Instead you have Borderline racists and nasty spiteful liars like Ted Cruz.
I cannot wait to watch fox news coverage when its called for Clinton they will go into melt down lol