There basically is 4 factions. None of them big and try consist of a few made guys and a handulmat most of associates. And most associates are people with very close family or friend connections who want that life or guys who are good earners and are hung up on being a member and third the guys who kinda get sucked in cause was making money and they kinda scared but they was probably making good change. But as I've said a billion times, there are a ton of independents and if you stay under the radar on all fronts and keep to yourself ot also have some connects of thrynown and they let them do it on their own as long as they help each other n do favors n shot your fine. Some people, especially drug dealers, who can finance themselves. Are inxepemdent. Also a lot of lower scale local bookies and loan sharks don't Pay a tax or anytnimg.

My point being these crews dont have many associates in the way it might appear. There are more made guys in a crew than associates. There only a couple and then they may have a nephew run errands or drive for them at times but that's just a mob groupie doing anything to look like a part of a crew.

I know a guy, mousies half brother, who use to be a crack head but always was cool with the guys. He dies his own little thing but nothing major and he OlDs a lot of cards n gambles n does little shot. His son does same thing. But they dont want his money. They talk about him. He a decent dude but I think Philly mob getting smarter as well and i think its oartlu cause joey has grown up and is also out of town a lot. They dont just deal with anyone. Sorry for tins long message and if messy cause im on my phone. But Philly has a ton of independents that the mob would t do shot about. Its not like 1 captain, 5 buttons and 10 associates. It could be 1 captain and/or a administrative member and like 3 to 5 made guys and 3 to 5 associates at most and that's including the little nephews n shit doing nothing so really more like 3 associates. Just a random guess from what I know and understand!