Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black

My thinking as well. Michael was simply putting Fredo to the test.

Sonny, you could certainly infer that Michael was putting Fredo to the test in Havana, especially if you put weight on those suspicious looks Michael gives him. But it still leaves unanswered: If Michael did have any suspicions about Fredo, or if he was putting him to the test, why did he tell him about Roth's plan to have him assassinated--and his own plan to have Roth whacked--especially since he concluded by telling Fredo to do nothing?

I think Michael was willing to find out who the traitor was at any cost. I think to him that was more important than killing Roth so he put Fredo to the ultimate test. Seemingly showing Fredo his trust by sharing such delicate information was an easy way to trick him. I think that he still trusted Fredo just enough to take the risk. And besides, he could still kill Roth back in the States where he wasn't protected by a government. Why kill Roth in the lion's den in the first place? So he wouldn't have to deal with investigations back home? Would someone who kills four major crime bosses in one sweep still worry about such a thing?

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."