Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
Weird grande is with Mikey lance but you honestly never see him with him.. That's why I was wondering what crew he was in cause he's always with Mazzone

Just reading some comments...only recent. But they are tigether, so,see them,around 12 and Ritner walking n talking last summer a lot.

I didnt know cuz al moved to DE. But haven't seen him in city. Dom GrAnde started to see him round so lance like 5 to 10 years ago and not as many 10 streeters lime,he grew up with. From what i understand...Dom never really wanted to be a made guy. I think one day someone rats him out on dipietro murder,n,hes nervous bout that. Dipietro was killed more,cause of the money he owed on the street...close to 400k dating back a long way. It's never been clear to me if they knew he was a rat or,hit him based on money.