When have I ever said anything about John F. Kennedy here? I have had people make deranged comments about him in a tit-for-tat kind of deal ostensibly because (a) I hit a raw nerve by not being a mafia fanboy, (b) I don't hate cops, (c) I don't hate the government and (d) we are both ethnically Irish. Yes. I have also being on the receiving end of bigotry here because I happen to be ethnically Irish. Not going to take it personally. Ivy has caught shrapnel because he is assumed to be Mormon since he's from Utah. Still I am really confused as to why people keep bringing up JFK to try and spite me, since I have never even brought him up on this forum.

Dellacroce, it is not healthy to tell people to kill themselves on forums. And it is not healthy to make hateful comments about presidents - living or dead - of your country, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds.

All because I don't worship gangsters!

Something I'll never understand is how the same imbeciles lionising the mafia are the first to make racist comments about black criminals and problems with crime in the African American community.

Hypocritical much?

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.