It won't matter which party is in power, there will be no push to deal with italian OC until there is a public outcry to do so. Back in the early 90's, nobody gave a shit about the HA either until the HA/Rock Machine war started resulting in civilian casualties. In particular, I remember a little boy was killed by shrapnel from a car bomb, which ended in widespread protests that became the catalyst for LE intervention.

Point being, Canadians are a very subdued people, who very frequently have an overly sunny perspective of this nation because we are not exposed to the seedy underbelly by the media as much as we should be; I suspect the liberal use of publication bans may play a significant role as to why that might be. LE are (often) content to rest on their laurels until they are pushed to act. I also suspect Quebec's provincial government has a big problem with corruption. Quebec is just a whole other animal, the politics coming out of that province are totally unique. You have the typical right/left dichotomy, but it also splits along separatist politics.

Last edited by slumpy; 02/04/16 03:38 PM.