You guys are regular folks .... You did not grow up being set up in a ally once a week and have to fight your way out !!!
This is life in the intercity back in the day. The tough guys rise to the top and if they have connections they gravitate to the mob....

The others find other ways like use there head and then sometimes you have both and that's what they used to look for ...

These guys are gangsters and come from gangsters and hear this shit in there houses each day growing up , this is how the get so used to killing and then go out to dinner.
It's like anything you do it a few times and it is nothing !!!
You brainwash yourself into believing that they are bad guys and if it's not them it is you .
This is not normal for 99.9% of the population but when u grow up in it it's easy.

Joe P just did not want to pull the trigger, I am sure he ate well that day and had a good nights rest .

Regular people will never get it . This is why you guys are saying what you are cos it is horrible to you , to them it's nothing !!!!!

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."