But Georgie isn't stirring any pots as far as we know. Again, people are acting as if, this is just Shratweiser and his two cents. He was aided in production of this piece by active Philadelphia law enforcement. I don't think he just woke up, and said I'm going to do a news piece based solely on my opinion and with no input from actual law enforcement, past and present. It's said multiple times throughout the video that a lot of the information came from current LE who are watching these guys attempting to catch them up on something which leads to an indictment.

Georgie Boy wouldn't exactly be sitting either, being the go-to for Uncle Joe places Borgesi in a prominent position. And as the video has shown, he's met with various "top brass" of the Philly LCN, most the top guys that we know of right now, are shown right in front of his clubhouse, multiple times throughout the video. If he was stirring the pot and was on the outs, and screwing guys over for the benefit of himself and having the most out of everyone, why would these guys be meeting with him so often, why would they be present at a social club which he owns? It just doesn't make any sense.

Again, this is solely my opinion, and speculation, but I don't think Dave S is all that off with this piece. And again, I'm of the opinion that Georgie Boy is the go-to guy for his uncle, which puts him among the top rungs of the family, possibly without even having an official admin position.