Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Here's the news piece -


Some good footage there. While 25-35 active guys seems believable, the claim they're "back to mid-1980's strength" is obviously a stretch. Looks like Schratweiser also buys into the 4 faction theory. Interesting that he labels Merlino "former boss," Ligambi "acting boss," and Mazzone "underboss."

Ivy thanks for the post pal, since I moved to Baltimore dont get fox philly thought missed that shit used to love mob talk fridays at 10

I agree its interesting that dave considering 4 factions..why wouldn't Ligambi and Merlino be in the same faction? I always was under the.impression joe was put in as boss by Merlino?

Other knowledgeable philly guys on here have echoed my sentiments that Philly is going through a sort of construction boom wbich is accurate..everytime I drove to my old school Temple theres shit tons of building going on can definitely see they takin there piece of the pie....anyone venture a guess how many capos and who they are? Kinda tricky w this 3 faction bc but if I had to guess id say Narducci, Pungidtore, Lancelloti, and maybe Lucibello/ Borgesi??

Think I may hVe asked this before but where is Scoops and the Nkrth Jersey faction fall in? If im not mistaken they have almost all their guys out including Fazzini who in all likelihood is the successor sor Scoops imo...any.thoughts fellas?

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"