You could probably count on two hands the number of local guys from one area or another who have actually had legit info to give on these forums. And that's out of dozens of self-professed insiders over the years. I would certainly consider PB to be one of those select few legit posters. He and I agree on most things, or at least have no reason to disagree, but have "agreed to disagree" on a few issues. Though to make it clear, it's not PB's info vs mine but his info vs the feds.

As for Amuso, nobody said he's running things day to day. He doesn't have to in order to remain official boss. And the feds still say he is the boss, including in court testimony. And the idea that he's just a figurehead with no influence (like Peter Gotti) seems to be based largely on the same kind of speculative thinking - based largely on what does or doesnt "make sense" to someone (as if that matters) that says there's no way Mancuso is the Bonanno boss.

The info from the handful of proven, legit sources is fine as far as it goes. But, if history is any guide, even they have to take a back seat to what the feds say most of the time. Anyone who thinks they will find more correct info from them than law enforcement, especially over the long term, is kidding themselves.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 01/20/16 12:47 AM.

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