Atlantic City cops kill it !!! 25 years and out with the best possible benefit package money can buy .
Also they get 85% of there pay or there wife till death .

I don't know if they are the highest paid or not in the state but they also get 5000.00 $$ for a clothing allowance To clean the uniforms!!!

The state is trying to take some back so every cop that has 25 years goes out right away at 25 .

No this is after five years they are making this money and it court time and watching contractors work time also . But it's not counting promotions , you get promoted start making good money ....

The kind of money the Pernas were making .

Last edited by Serpiente; 01/11/16 08:53 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."