I don't understand your point. confused

" How do you think those guns get to those black markets in the first place?"
I already know this and posted a pipeline case in the OC section. You haven't paid any attention to my location.

". There are no laws that force someone to report a lost or stolen gun in south carolina and many states which is just insane"

Generally gun(s) that are stolen legitimate are reported but lost ones might not be reported. What's insane is a Chicago family suing a pawn shop in another state for the death of a loved one.

" Doing back ground checks and creating a data base will certainly curtail that"

As I said earlier , It's currently in effect in certain cities of course but little to some decline in gun violence is the results. Therefore the executive order is going to be somewhat effective. That's not going to be an overnight nor year grand decline.

"Why should my cousin Joe be able to sell me is 9 mil glock without a background check?? And i was a fuckin criminal for years. No way should i of owned a gun."

In that scenario: Cousin Joe would give you the gun for free because to protect yourself. Or Cousin Joe already cleared the background check and need/wants a couple bucks. Or Cousin Joe doesn't give a rats ass about some background check due to his shady past.

I understand the topic but not your point.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb