Originally Posted By: DanteMoltisanti
No way they do the full sentences, NJ State system is notorious for early releases...

But the way state time works is you get comp time from the rip. So they're gonna get anywhere from 6-12 months off from the start. Then once u get classified and u start working whatever job u get, you start getting days off every month. I had medium security and I got 5 days a month. They may be max though because of their past which is like 3 days off. If they can get minimum and u get like a seven day a week job it can go as high as 11 days off a month. Basically as u do your sentence , your "back number" comes down monthly. That ten is gonna be a nine from the say they get seen in CRAF (central reception assignment facility ) then like I said it depends on status and jobs. Even if they couldn't get parole Nd max out.... They'd do like a number somewhere between 5 and 9, closer to the five. I'm thinking they get a 24 month hit on their first eligiblity meaning they won't see the panel again for two years but by that point they will be so close to their max out they may say fuck it and come home with zero parole/ only way u can fuck up your comp time and days off is fighting or getting caught with contraband. Now I can see Johnny being hot headed and running in someone's jaw but not joe. Joe is more a wheeler and dealer where Johnny is a beast. He will beat the breaks off someone. I know Madonna is in bayside ( shitty, used to be w great spot especially when u go to the camps. It used to be no fence.) but the gangs destroyed the prison system in jersey. 23 and 1. I mean u get your yard time every other day and it u get a job u will have movement but if u don't get a decent job and you get cell sanitation as your job ( it's not a job, it's just a title And basically it means your job is cleaning your cell. You work because u Receive state pay Monthly) then you won't be going anywhere but your cell. The best spot in jersey is southern state. No cells. It's like trailers. You can walk the compound and do what u want all day. Yard when u want , go get a haircut , etc. just gotta be back for count. If not your stuck in your cell. I don't know about other spots but when I was in Trenton stAte after I had surgery, they have direct tv. All four espns, I think I had 107 channels were availible. But Trenton is mostly lifers and u won't go there unless you got 20 or better. I was only there because they have a decent infirmary. Marty Taccetta is there.