luppinos/violis are same family by marriage. fall under the umbrella and control of Ontario clans.
musitanos had close relationship with verducci, which might explain their house being firebombed?
when u consider verducci represented the colluccio clan who are allegedly at war with the fiolomeni clans here in Toronto.
there is still a lot we don't know.

most of the articles out there always blame the Montreal Toronto angle, especially when calutti and verducci got killed. but both these hits could have been internal disputes, using the montreal angle to the plotters advantage. meaning it would automatically, seem like these hits were revenge from rizzutto.

if we are to believe rizzutto was as crafty and smart as they say he was. no way he would of ordered a hit on calutti in woodbridge 2min away from a cop station, no matter how vengeful he was at the time. it was said at the time that verducci was killed b/c he was trying to take over territory in Vaughan that montreal had controlled. its more likely verducci was trying to take over calutti's gambling territory after he was killed. reports are verducci was allegedly plotted against by the filomeni;s. which might make a good case that sam worked for the filomeni clans and two others. (demaria, commisso)
point being I would not read too much into the articles.

I think u are seeing chaos in the Toronto ranks as 2 of the big bosses are no longer on the streets: demaria in jail, abrruzze deported.