Originally Posted By: italy100
Yo Philly mob is stronger then ever. There is alot more to it then the guys you read about. Anybody that fucks with these guys is crazy there is hundreds of young guys in area that want to be involved and are ready to kill to get there name out there. I know about 100 personally and some are sharper then ypu think. When Staino gets out the power will be sky high. The jealous people will say different but we all know how that is. If your not a hardcore gangster be fucking careful

if your not a hardcore gangster be fucking careful

"I know 100 personally"

onfirms you are a bullshitter

"jealous people will say different"

what the fuck is wrong with you I don't know or ever heard of anyone who is jealous of the mob

hundreds of people in the philly mob ready to kill I don't know where people get this from. There is just over 30 made guys left in the entire family not hundreds of young guys ready to kill there is not that recruitment pool anymore. Plus most mob guys don't want violence anymore

its why I stand by what I said earlier that the 10th and Oregon would give that family a run for its money your forgetting how violent these guys no one wants confrontation with them they beat up the underboss marty angelini a few years back no one did anything ligambi asked for a apology a fucking apology in scarfos day they would have never dared and even if they were dumb enough they would have been whacked

face the facts people this is a family in decline I think if the feds can bring In a couple of big indictments that will be the end of these guys

Last edited by gangstereport; 12/29/15 07:04 PM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion