Thats somewhat the gist of it . He confirms that Steve doesn't take Narducci seriously, because Phil is basically alone on an Island with the 10th & Oregon guys, and nobody whos truly LCN will back him. And that the Philly LCN top brass are taking Johns side. Except the issue of him hanging out with Mariutti & Maria Testa, he says guys like Steve and Georgie Boy can't understand it. He said either someone is going to end up getting pinched or things MAY get somewhat physical. He also says that the Philly LCN never learn from there mistakes, so it's not known if things will actually reach the point of a "war". He says other Scarfo guys like Joe Pung respect Mazzone to a degree and will associate with him and Joey Merlino by extension. But that they really arent fond of Joey. Phil was one of those guys at one point, but after the whole Garbarino/Baldino situation, things got hot. Steve is now talking down on everyone affiliated with Narducci. Georgie Boy has entered the picture because he too is disrespecting Phil and the 10th & O guys. As he and the Philly LCN administration feel that like his brother, Frank, Phil should fall in line. Frank Narducci came home and basically "went with the flow". Phil on the other hand, called Merlino, Mazzone & Co, jokes basically, and said he didn't want anything to do with them. Thats really why they don't like Phil. The 10th & O guys are 100% behind Phil, because they look up to him. And Phil is putting them into the mood by basically shitting on the whole Philly Mob. Oh and lastly, Garbarino is threatening to break faces if anyone steps out of line with Phil. But he also says Phil really backed himself into a corner, because of his disrespect of the rules, pretty much the entire Philly Mob dislike him.

And everything Philly boy said was true.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 12/29/15 02:36 PM.