Originally Posted By: DB
I wouldn't believe much of what Ruby said to the Warren Commission

He also claimed he was not at the TSBD during the shooting or shortly ( he was either at Dallas Morning News , his club or eating ) after the shooting but below is a picture very likely of Ruby right outside the front of the TSBD several minutes after the assassination, and right where both the assassination just took place and right where LHO walked out of the TSBD. Got to ask yourself why would he lie ? And why was he there ?

DB, at least one employee who worked in the advertising dept for The Dallas Morning newspaper placed Ruby there at the time of the shooting. It wouldn't surprise me if Ruby rushed to the hospital to see what was going on. Only if one other person could back up the reporter's claim though.

LHO's pro castro, marxist stance (real or fake) was pretty well established and didn't need any comment from Ruby for reporters to find out.

Last edited by ht2; 12/24/15 10:14 PM.