In addition to Mom Boucher's charge of conspiracy to commit murder in relation to Project Magot and Project Mastiff--he is accused of plotting to murder Desjardins--Boucher now faces charges, along with another co-accused, in relation to the stabbing of a prison inmate.

Here's the link to the La Presse article on this subject:

Link to English-language article:


Maurice Boucher to be charged in prison stabbing
Posted on 12/23/2015 by Andrew Peplowski

The incarcerated leader of the Hells Angels in Quebec faces the prospect of additional time behind bars for his involvement in the stabbing of another inmate in the Special Handling Unit of the Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines Institution last month.

Maurice Boucher and Rene Girard were arrested November 3rd in connection with the attack.

Ghislain Andre Gaudet was stabbed 15 times with a home made knife, but despite his wounds, refused to co-operate with investigators....