Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Just started reading Blood Oath, by George Fresolone. I don't know if they updated the book for later copies or whatever. But I have an original that was sent to me in the mail, and there's some blatant inaccuracies in it early on. Two examples are this, it clearly states Nicky Scarfo had Salvatore "Chuckie" Merlino killed. That isn't true. It also says Charles "Lucky" Luciano went on to meet a violent death before Frank Costello took over control of the family, followed by Genovese. That isn't true either.

I got Blood Oath last night Saturday night when I came home from work it was in the mail box. so it took exactly a week, but my other two books still havent arrived yet. Only read a few pages but already I did come across it saying Chuckie Merlino was killed by Scarfo..

Death Before Dishonor