Chickie Chang IS NOT going to be boss, not in this day and age. He's 80+ years old..The days of the old guys reigning supreme as boss are over and have been since the 80's. If you notice guys took the reigns around the ages of 50-65, when you look at Philly. That stopped once Nicky Scarfo came along. Then Joey Merlino. It's been that way in most of the other places as well, with rare exceptions. I even doubt if Chickie wants that title. He's perfectly fine with his acting UB position, in which he just mostly aides his son, Johnny who handles the daily activity of an actual underboss.

As others have mentioned though, odds are the money isn't worth fighting over. Considering you hear stories of guys like George Borgesi, who was upset of his lack of earning and business opportunities, who was said to be raising a fuss about it. Instead of it going to the streets, or the "mattresses". He simply got his own group of guys around him and is loansharking and booking for union guys. And there hasn't been word of anybody being forced to kick up anything. They're all scraping the bottom of the barrel, so why go to war over that, with no real gain at stake?