Originally Posted By: DiLorenzo
Where's the outrage from the media ??

Not interested because the bikers were white ??

Because Waco PD got the jump on them and had that presser before they could even get out to start the outrage. That idiot made sure to bloody the waters of potential jurors and the media by saying they were all crooks and outlaw bikers and that simply isn't the case.

Granted I'm not saying there wasn't any outlaws there, but if you think the majority of the 177 were outlaws you would be sadly mistaken. If I'm on that video I done lost everything, so what's begging a lawyer to do this pro bono and nail their ass? I wouldn't care anymore because I'm broke and without a job obviously at that point.

Meanwhile Gomer is trying to push his fame into being Sheriff. That's just what we need...