Originally Posted By: gangstereport
pizza or onthefly who would you say was the craziest guy to come out of the bronx and who was the toughest guy

I agree with PB, Patsy was one tough cookie. Buster was another tough guy. And I am not sure how old PB is but I'm an 80's baby so he may have more knowledge on the golden days of The Bronx than myself although I have been around some very serious guys in my lifetime.

I do not mean to constantly mention his name but since you asked, I will give you my opinion now that he is gone and I choose to only speak on my own personal experiences therefore I have to say that Wahoo was as tough of a guy that I have ever come across.

Smart too. He lived to be 77 years old and If it wasn't for that rat Walter then he wouldn't have spent a day of his life behind bars and that says a lot for someone who did as many hits as he did.

I personally know a few that the media and books blamed other people for and were completely wrong but those are stories for another day if I choose to share.

Ultimately, he died of a stroke but he had more than one stroke in his lifetime and survived all of them until that last one that did him in, in 2009. He actually lost a lung due to one of the strokes that he survived.

Lastly, I will never forget the time that I was riding along with him and my father back in the 90s, nonchalantly listening to them speak as he turned to my father and said (to keep it brief) "I'm not just a wise guy, I'm a tough guy". Well he sure was.