Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Thank you, ONTHEFLY. In mentioning BOTH Mancusos, you just proved yourself to me. No offense, but we get a lot of banned members who continually sneak back here just to stalk and troll.

I'm exhausted, and I'm probably going to sleep after this short post. I'm sure you know that Wahoo passed away a few years ago. That a Jersey guy with close ties to the Sicilians absorbed part of that crew speaks volumes wink.

I'm not quite sure what you meant by stating that I've "proved" myself to you but either way I am not a "troll". I respect your knowledge and I am just genuinely curious if you have any information more than myself on the state of the Gambinos in The Bronx since the skippers that we once knew of are no longer around.

As far as the Enzo that I've mentioned, he is not in the union anymore. He had a brother Michael who passed away in the late 90's an moved to Rockland in the mid 2000's but I am not sure if he is even still active as well as other guys from the few Gambino crews in the Bronx.

Lastly, I know that part of that crew was absorbed by Joe from Queens but did not know that a Jersey guy absorbed part as well. However, since areas of NJ and Rockland County are neighbors it does make sense and maybe that is were the power of that crew has located. Thank you for your input on that as well as the 32BJ situation. Take care.