Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Hi TIS. My Grandma's sister, who's 94 got sick. So I was going in to visit her. Turns out the radiation to fight off her colon cancer made her too ill to see me. So sad, she just wants to die. My Godfather was asking to see me too so I decided to still go in to see him. Also, my friends had a few days off to take me around NY so I went to see them too. Plus my kids are tied to me at the hip most of the time so I needed a break from them, some R & R for myself. All of my family is back there, so my Aunt had some of the family over so I could visit and catch up. I didn't even get to go visit my Mom's side, ran out of time. And the cold never bothers me, it's the heat that makes me cranky. I used to go visit my grandparents in January on my school break. Now that's cold. Brrrr.

It was 64 on Monday so my toes warmed up nicely lol I put the blow dryer away and took a walk. Beautiful autumn day.

A-Girl, I'm sorry about your grandmother. I didn't even think it could be an emergency type visit. My prayers to her.

I know I talked to my brothers in MI yesterday and they said it was pretty nice (60s) but expected rain in the next couple days.

When I visit, unless it's an emergency visit, I'll always plan to go anywhere between April and October. I simply can't take the cold. LOL I have my brother heat up the car til it's toasty before we go anywhere. Ha ha They laugh at me but I don't care. lol


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon