Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
I'm always reminded of the response when the Bonnanos offered Vito a capo slot;
They seemed genuinely unaware that the 20 or whatever soldiers was no longer a crew, but a full family, that was probably stronger than them...
Funny, I actually do,consider Vito a lot like Luciano in that he seemed to have no ethnic discrimination in regards to business, if you were Spanish, or French Canadian, of Irish, or Asian, or a Biker, or Blood, a deal come led be done...

I sometimes wonder if their offer was a trap to lure Vito to NY so they could whack him. No evidence, obviously, just pure speculation... But the offer seems ignorant to me. Why invite a man whom is (even at that time) for all intents and purposes a boss of his own family to be a caporegime in NYC? If they were aware of Montreal's growing autonomy (and it seems highly unlikely to me that they didn't) and that wasn't the reason Sciascia was hit, then there's no real incentive to invite Vito to do anything.

On the other hand, the invitation could also just been to cover their tracks. IIRC Massino wanted to misdirect the Rizzuto suspicion elsewhere, so perhaps the invitation was simply to make them believe everything was business as usual. Could be their autonomy didn't really matter so long the drug racket continued to operate through the Bonnanos.

Anyway, I've always wondered what the motivation was to extend the invite. It just seems odd when you consider the overall picture.

Last edited by slumpy; 11/12/15 02:18 PM.